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Fouche Venter breaks down Minister Tito Mboweni’s 2021 budget speech
The Manufacturing Indaba will feature esteemed industry experts and leaders speaking in the forum, including Thomas Schaefer, Chairman and Managing Director for Volkswagen Group South Africa; Eustace Mashimbye, Chief Executive Officer of Proudly South African; Flora Mutahi, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Melvin Marsh International Ltd and Yash Ramkolowan Manager for Trade & Investment at DNA Economics, among others.
Impact of EU companies in South Africa
The interview discussed the findings from the study that was undertaken by Lauralyn Kaziboni and Dr Matthew Stern for the EU-SA Partners for Growth. The study analyses the impact of local content policies on EU exports and investment, and economic transformation in South Africa. Specifically, the study focuses on two of the government’s local content policy instruments namely, the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) and the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme (REIP4).

DNA spent Nelson Mandela Day at Rephafogile Secondary School in Mamelodi
In honour of Nelson Mandela Day, some of the DNA staff spent the afternoon of 18thof July with the grade 12 students of Rephafogile Secondary School in Mamelodi.
SAfm mediate conversation: Township economies
Over the past couple of years, South Africans have been engaging in conversations concerning prioritisation of township based SMMEs. Mr Masilela adds to the conversation by highlighting the importance of township SMMEs being given access to Development Finance Institutions (DFIs).

Incentives a better answer than prescribed assets – Elias Masilela
Currently there are debates that areas in need of capital injection should receive them through asset prescription. Elias Masilela’s debate contribution is that rather than asset prescription, the country could opt for creating incentives that are going to get capital to flow into those areas.
Economics unbound: impact of climate on the economy
Economics Unbound panel interview on the impact of climate change on the economy, involving Brent Cloete director at DNA Economics, on the SABC News Channel on DStv.

Impact investing could bridge the socialist / capitalist divide
A Capital Advisors Report on ‘The Landscape for Impact Investing in Southern Africa’ presents that a mere 3% of local financial assets are allocated to impact investment strategies. Our Chairperson, Mr Elias Masilela cautions that this is not sufficient to establish an impact on the country’s socio-economic issues. Masilela emphasises the need to strive for private capital in pursuit of social and environmental impact.

ASISA CFE bootcamp
Zulaikha Brey presented at the Consumer Financial Education (CFE) camp hosted by Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA).

DNA Economics spreads love and wisdom on Mandela Day
DNA Economics in Mamelodi
While its expertise is on economic analysis, DNA Economics has also showed that they have a skill in being able to touch the lives of others. In honour of our legend, Nelson Mandela, seven of its staff took time to go and share hope with learners, at Rephafogile Secondary School, in Mamelodi.

DNA Economics presents at ACER 2018
Sarah Truen, Linton Reddy and Mmamoletji Oniccah Thosago presented at the 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) conference.

DNA Economics takes on the JP Morgan challenge
After waiting quite some time to gain an entry into the ultra-popular and inundated JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, this year DNA Economics runners & walkers were delighted to finally get the chance to show the Joburg corporates what Pretoria economists are made of! On the 5thApril 2018, our 11-athlete strong team, clad in our shiny new DNA sports gear, headed for The Wanderer’s Club to test ourselves against the 5.6km track. We were running or walking two races really – one against the rest of the competitors for a chance to represent South Africa at the International JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, and one for the honour of being the fastest athlete in the office.

Let’s celebrate Africa Day
On the 25th May 2018, the DNA team celebrated Africa Day in a fun and participatory way – by dressing in cultural outfits and sharing different lunch dishes from all over the continent. The day marks the annual commemoration of the foundation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), and in that spirit our team came together for a meal.