
Our core team has substantial experience in economic, business and development consulting.  Where DNA Economics does not have the requisite skills in-house, we bring in world experts through our network of associates, our close links with regional academic institutions and our strategic partners abroad.

Prof. Channing Arndt >

DNA Associate and a Visiting Professor within the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen

Nadira Bayat >

DNA Associate and independent gender and trade expert

Liz Dartnall >

DNA Associate and Executive Director of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI)

Prof Lawrence Edwards >

DNA Associate and Professor of Economics at the University of Cape Town

Prof Frank Flatters >

DNA Associate and Professor Emeritus of Economics at Queens University, Canada

Volker Schöer >

DNA Associate and Associate Professor of Economics in the School of Economic and Business Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand

Dr Anja Smith >

DNA Associate and independent health systems expert